Avatar: Pandora an Exomoon
The Avatar Franchise is a blockbuster movie series created by James Cameron, which so far consists of 2 epic science fiction films. The first part known simply as “Avatar” is the World’s highest grossing film ever made. The sequel which came out in December last year is not too far behind on 3rd place with a whopping 2 billion dollars Now, we all loved Sam Worthington and Britain Dalton in the movies…. trust me I was blushing too, but this article is for all the science geeks out there, so without further ado… SCIENCE! CAMERA! ACTION! In the second instalment of this series on The Screen Science blog we will…
Avatar: The Science of Floating Mountains
The Science behind Avatar’s Floating Hallelujah Mountains The Avatar Franchise is a blockbuster movie series created by James Cameron, which so far consists of 2 epic science fiction films. The first part known simply as “Avatar” is the World’s highest grossing film ever made. The sequel which came out in December last year is not too far behind on 3rd place with a whopping 2 billion dollars Now, we all loved Sam Worthington and Britain Dalton in the movies…. trust me I was blushing too, but this article is for all the science geeks out there, so without further ado… SCIENCE! CAMERA! ACTION! The movie is set on a moon…